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Staying Out of the Loop / injury endoscopist

by ColoWrap, on June 20, 2024

Cathy Easley has been an endoscopy technician for over 30 years. She loves her job but not the pain and injuries that have taken their toll on her over her …

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Topics:colonoscopyendoscopysafe patient handlinglooping in colonoscopyendoscopistinjury endoscopistendoscopy techergonomicsendoscopy ergonomicsmusculoskeletal injuryendoscopy staff injury

by Marybeth Spanarkel, M.D., on January 10, 2022

Within the endoscopy environment, unique patient handling duties during colonoscopy contribute to a significantly elevated risk of job-related musculoskeletal (MSK) disorders and injury amongst endoscopy personnel. Did you know? Nurses …

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Topics:colonoscopyinjury endoscopistwomen in GIergonomicsendoscopy ergonomics

by Larissa Biggers, on October 18, 2019

Have you ever wondered if the physical tasks you perform at work are safe? In healthcare, for instance, overexertion from repetitive manual patient handling is the primary cause of musculoskeletal …

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Topics:colonoscopynurseendoscopynursingsafe patient handlingpatient safetyGI nursingendoscopy nursingendoscopistinjury endoscopistnurse injuryendoscopeOSHAendoscopy techMusculoskeletalMSD

by Larissa Biggers, on August 23, 2019

A recent article in Endoscopy International raises the question, “Should the endoscopist be considered and trained like an athlete?” Although those outside the field of endoscopy might not immediately see …

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Topics:colonoscopynurseendoscopynursingsafe patient handlingpatient safetyGI nursingendoscopy nursinglooping in colonoscopyendoscopistinjury endoscopistnurse injuryendoscopeOSHAendoscopy tech

by Larissa Biggers, on December 21, 2018

Looping occurs in 90% of all colonoscopies. It is the main cause of patient pain and failed and prolonged procedures. Yet the concept of looping can be hard to grasp …

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Topics:colonoscopynurseendoscopynursingpatientsafe patient handlingendoscopy nursingabdominal pressure colonoscopydifficult colonoscopyinjury endoscopistnurse injuryColoWrap

by Larissa Biggers, on October 19, 2018

All physicians want to provide superior care for their patients, but practicing medicine today can be complicated. In the last decade, doctors have been tasked with navigating new technologies, government …

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Topics:endocopyscreeningadenomasafe patient hadlingabdominal pressure colonoscopylooping in colonoscopybowel prep colonoscopyendoscopistdifficult colonoscopygastroenterologistCRCcolorectal cancertortuous coloninjury endoscopistGI injurynurse injurypatient experiencewomen in GI

by Larissa Biggers, on August 31, 2018

The safety and comfort of patients undergoing colonoscopy is of paramount importance to hospitals, providers, and of course, the patients themselves. But what about the physicians performing the procedure? It …

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Topics:colonoscopycolon cancerendoscopylooping in colonoscopyendoscopistdifficult colonoscopygastroenterologistCRCcolorectal cancertortuous coloninjury endoscopistGI injury


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