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by Larissa Biggers, on June 27, 2019

This week, the Colon Cancer Coalition hosted a Twitter chat on an important topic—colorectal cancer. What is a Twitter chat, you may ask (I did too). It's actually a simple …

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Topics:colonoscopycolon cancerpatientFITscreeningadenomapolyphealthcare costsbowel prep colonoscopycolorectal cancerGYRIGColon Cancer CoalitionGet Your Rear in Gear

by Larissa Biggers, on June 21, 2019

Topics:colonoscopyendoscopysafe patient handlingpatient safetyGI nursingendoscopy nursingnurse injurySPHMendoscopy tech

by Larissa Biggers, on June 14, 2019

If you have followed the previous four posts in our series on indirect costs of endoscopy staff injury, you know that musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) sustained on the job are costly …

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Topics:safe patient handlinghealthcare costspatient safetyGI nursingendoscopy nursingnurse injuryhospital costsSPHMOSHAOSHA violation

by Larissa Biggers, on June 07, 2019

Welcome to the fourth installation of ColoWrap’s deep dive into the repercussions of endoscopy staff injury. So far, the posts in this series have examined the effects of musculoskeletal disorders …

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Topics:safe patient handlinghealthcare costspatient safetyGI nursingendoscopy nursingnurse injuryhospital costsSPHM


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