Staying Out of the Loop

Dr. Sandi Fields Shares Her Experience With ColoWrap

Written by ColoWrap | March 22, 2024


ColoWrap user, Dr. Sandi Fields, was a community gastroenterologist for 13 years at Annie Penn Hospital. We sat down with her to discuss how it benefited both her patients and her staff. 

ColoWrap: How does ColoWrap benefit your staff?

Dr. Fields: It's better for the nurses because they don't have to worry about fatigue on their bodies or their minds, and they are alert and ready to go in the room.

ColoWrap: What does ColoWrap do for your patients?

Dr. Fields: It's better for the patient. It makes the patient more comfortable during the procedure. And because it takes less time to do the procedure, it further minimizes their risks or complications.

ColoWrap: Is it common for staff to apply and hold manual abdominal pressure during colonoscopy?  What are the repercussions of these maneuvers?

Dr. Fields: You know, as far as the nurses are concerned, it causes wear and tear on them as well. You know, from a musculoskeletal standpoint, wrist injuries, elbow injury, shoulder injuries, back injuries. And, so now that we have ColoWrap, we don't really have to do that in my room. 

ColoWrap: How might manual abdominal pressure affect patients?

Dr. Fields: You can cause increased likelihood of having a perforation of the colon, the spleen, or the liver, or any other organ that does not respond to the pressure that's being applied. 

ColoWrap: You have had a lot of success using a size XXL ColoWrap on obese patients. Why do you think it works so well?

Dr. Fields: It allows you to hold all of the abdomen in place as opposed to parts of the abdomen in place with pressure from your hands. So, the surface area you cover with an XXL ColoWrap in a obese patient is much greater than if your nurses were to apply pressure. My nurses rarely have to turn a patient on their back or apply pressure. They love it. They love being in my room because they know they're going to be able to just be the nurse, take the vital signs, do the interventions, and that’s it.  They love it.

ColoWrap: Any final thoughts on ColoWrap?

Dr. Fields: I think it also communicates to patients that you're doing everything you can to make sure that their colonoscopy is the best that it can possibly be.


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